What's That Being Sprayed on Your Grocery Store Fruits and Vegetables?

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Nutrient Depletion, Apeel and now ProduceMaxx...
Are your Store Bought Fruits and Vegetables Safe to Eat?!


Exactly a year ago, in April 2023, A Voice for Choice Advocacy was one of the first to break the story about Apeel - a possibly toxic coating put on fruits and vegetables to keep them from overripening too quickly.  This month, AVFCA is doing the same, but this time by doing a deep dive into ProduceMaxx, an additive in the sprays that mist fruits and vegetables in your local grocery stores.  Both Apeel and ProduceMaxx are sprayed on organic and conventional produce alike.  While AVFCA Empowers You to do your own research on these products and how to mitigate them, our writers have taken the first step for you...   


  “ProduceMaxx”: The Disinfectant Sprayed on Your Fruit and Vegetables Without Your Consent

Hypochlorous acid, the active ingredient in the disinfectant product, “ProduceMaxx” has been called the “miracle liquid.” It’s nontoxic, stronger than bleach, and kills pathogens effectively. The issue, however, and why ProduceMaxx is being splashed all over social media, is the fact that it’s sprayed on organic and conventional produce in grocery stores without your knowledge.  AVFCA's article on ProduceMaxx goes into all the details:  https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/producemaxx-the-disinfectant-sprayed


If you missed AVFCA's article on Apeel from last year, and want to know more, be sure to give it a read...

  “Apeel” Fruit and Vegetable Protective Coating Is Not So Appealing When You Break It Down

“Apeel” is a fruit and vegetable coating designed to extend the shelf life of a variety of fruit and vegetables. Questions were raised about the safety of the coating's material, which can't be fully removed. Apeel is also being applied to organic certified produce. There may be health risks involved; the research is still young. https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/apeel-fruit-and-vegetable-protective?sd=pf


And if you want to explore the world of fruits and vegetables a little more, AVFCA's article on the general state of today's produce may be of interest to you...

  Impact on Your Health: The Disconnection Between “Fruits and Veggies” and the Nutrients They Contain

Focused on the depletion of nutrients in today’s fruit and veggies. This includes contamination, traveling vast distances, and gas spray for ripening. When profits are put first, consumers suffer the consequences.  https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/impact-on-your-health-the-disconnection?sd=pf


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Together we can make change happen!


Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]






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A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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