When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, you and I rejoiced, and rightly so.
But it also meant our work—of fighting to protect equally under the law the lives and dignity of preborn and other vulnerable Americans—wasn’t finished.
In fact, in many respects, the challenge Americans United for Life faces has gotten much harder.
There are two big reasons for this:
Legislatures and courts across America are now a battleground where the lives of millions hang in the balance. The fall of Roe didn’t end the fight against abortion: it multiplied it by fifty.
Abortion industry activists have launched an extremely well-financed campaign of abortion radicalism—with all the cut-throat intensity of a multi-billion-dollar industry whose business model is in jeopardy.
John, any day now you’ll be getting a letter from me. In it I make a simple case: 50 state battlegrounds . . . plus very aggressive opposition . . . means the need for AUL’s pro-life litigation and legislation is MUCH GREATER now than ever before.
Please help pass and protect laws that uphold the human right to life and expand care for moms, babies, and families.
Every dollar you donate to Americans United for Life before June 30th will be matched and doubled, up to $150,000.
John, this is a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Ground gained or lost right now at the state level and in the courts will shape America’s communities and families for generations to come.
And right now, we simply do not have the capacity to take on all the cases and pursue all the opportunities that the moment demands.
You have a crucial role in the battle for the human right to life.
Will you help bring AUL’s winning legal counsel and policy advocacy to all fifty states?
Your gift – matched and doubled – will provide twice the legal support and advance pro-life policies around the country.
Thank you for your commitment to building the post-Roe America that women, preborn children, and families deserve.