Your contribution is the shield against the Democrats' advances in Iowa! Act now!
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Liquid error: Internal error



Dear John,

The prowess of conservative action is being challenged in the heart of America - Iowa. We, as unyielding guardians of freedom and rightful governance, must recognize this critical battleground where our hard-fought victories can be undone by the determined surge of Democratic spending.

Zach Nunn's triumphant win in 2022, by an incredibly slim margin of less than 1%, signifies both our strengths and imperative to maintain vigilance. It is a stark reminder that Democrats are ceaselessly plotting to reclaim the ground. Every inch and every vote are contested fiercely, with Democratic SuperPACs flooding Iowa with finances aimed to uproot our conservative values.

What we need now is more than mere observation - it’s a concerted effort to bolster our chances in the next electoral showdown. Your contribution today can thrust us forward in the mission to amplify our conservative voices in Iowa. It’s not just about protecting a seat—it's about securing the direction of our nation.

The Left is deploying immense resources to wrestle control, reshaping the political landscape in their favor with every dollar they spend. But I have faith in you, John, that together we can counteract this aggressiveness with powerful conservative messages, ensuring that Iowans are fortified with truth and principles that honor our way of life.

Let our response be swift and resolute. Donate now to sustain our aggressive advocacy for conservative ideals and fund a slew of influential ads. Let's secure a robust win and affirm our collective might. This is more than a local standoff; it’s a fight for America’s soul.


Together, let's show the Left that their influx of spending is no match for our enduring spirit and unshakeable commitment to America's future. Your prompt donation will march us towards not just a victory in Iowa, but a nationwide triumph in the timeless ideals we cherish.

Act Now: Be the force that keeps Iowa—and America—true to its roots.

In steadfast solidarity,

Elise Stefanik
House GOP Conference Chair

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Paid for by E-PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. PO Box 500, Glen Falls, NY 12801, United States