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  • Gordon G. Chang: China Humiliated Blinken But Blinken Kept Begging
  • Daniel Greenfield: Universities Were Always Extreme

China Humiliated Blinken But Blinken Kept Begging

by Gordon G. Chang  •  April 30, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • "This was more than a slight. Aside from a calculated insult to the dignity of the United States, the move indicates Xi Jinping is making clear that the accepted norms of diplomacy will not be respected by China anymore." — Charles Burton, former Canadian diplomat who served in Beijing, to Gatestone Institute, April 27, 2024.

  • Blinken was in China to discuss the growing list of disagreements between Washington and Beijing. Not surprisingly, he did not accomplish anything there other than register America's complaints on matters such as Beijing's support for the Russian war effort in Ukraine and unfair treatment of U.S. companies. On every major issue, the U.S. and China take different sides, and the Chinese have clearly dug in. Blinken was reduced to begging.

  • America is resorting to the dialogue-is-progress narrative.... In substance, therefore, Blinken in Beijing continued talking about talking.

  • There is no question that AI is an important topic, especially when it comes to the control of nuclear weapons. Yet this does not mean the U.S. should seek an agreement with China on that topic.

  • Burton and Weichert point out that China never honors agreements, so any deal with Beijing is akin to a unilateral promise.

  • The risk now is that the Biden administration will trade away its restrictions for meaningless promises from China's Communists.

  • "China is deeply committed to the weaponization of AI and would be counting its lucky communist star if the Americans basically deterred themselves with such a protocol," Weichert, also author of Biohacked: China's Race to Control Life, added.

  • The secretary of state should never have gone to China in the first place.

The risk now is that the Biden administration will trade away its restrictions for meaningless promises from China's Communists. Pictured: China's President Xi Jinping greets US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on April 26, 2024. (Photo by Mark Schiefelbein/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

It is not clear whether a Chinese official was at the Beijing airport to bid farewell to Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he ended his three-day visit to China on Friday, but the send-off was in any event low-key and Chinese leader Xi Jinping slighted America's top diplomat at the end of his troubled stay.

Also, China, literally and figuratively, did not roll out the red carpet for his arrival in Shanghai on Wednesday. Only a low-level official was on hand to greet Blinken as he stepped off the plane.

"The Chinese government flouted international protocols at the airport on the secretary of state's arrival in Shanghai and departure from Beijing," Charles Burton of the Prague-based Sinopsis think tank told Gatestone. "It was petty."

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Universities Were Always Extreme

by Daniel Greenfield  •  April 30, 2024 at 4:00 am

  • Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini's fascism.

  • They weren't liberals then and they're not liberals now.... A century ago they believed that human beings were defined by race and they still believe it now.

  • What does Hamas offer the Ivy League? Much like Nazism and Communism, it believes that America, individualism and free enterprise are worthless....

  • The one thing that the Ivy League can agree on is that the world should be run by the right sorts of people and that they are just the right sort of people to run it.

  • [T]tomorrow they will be cheering once again for race riots burning down cities or for some new evil wave of terror.

  • That hatred is why the Ivy League has always been so easy to radicalize with a steady drip-feed of students eager to be taught that everything they grew up with is a sham, that nothing can be trusted and that the only way to save the world is to put them in charge of managing it.

  • Generations of Ivy Leaguers have been told at ponderous graduation ceremonies that they are the hope of tomorrow, and that history has tasked them with solving the troubles of the nation and the world by implementing the dogma of the moment. No king was more blatantly endowed with the right to rule without the fitness for it than these puffed up and well-connected children.

  • Each ruling class is more vicious, hollow and inept than the last. From cheering Nazis to cheering Hamas, the only thing the Ivy League elites have learned is an appetite for destruction.

Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini's fascism. Butler's admiration for fascism was common among university presidents, leaders of society and even in the FDR administration. Pictured: Butler, circa 1930. (Photo by NBC Television/Getty Images)

The Nazi cheers of "Sieg Heil" didn't start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts.

The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst "Putzy" Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.

"Putzy" was one of a number of Ivy League elites who were enchanted by the Third Reich.

Socialism forcefully implemented by great men, whether it was FDR, Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler, was the great obsession of America elites of the era who were convinced that it was the only answer to the chaos of capitalism and the hurly burly of democracy and technology.

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