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Henry Smith MP – Westminster Report – April 2024
Further action to ease the burden on people’s pockets
As inflation continues to fall – from a peak of 11.1 per cent in 2022 to 3.2 per cent today – I am acutely aware of the need for further action to ease the burden on people’s pockets.
This month we saw additional measures enacted to ensure more money in workers’ wallets. With the rate of National Insurance cut by a further 2 pence – together with tax cuts announced at the Autumn Statement last year – these decisions are worth £900 for the average worker on £35,400.
Action is also being taken to support self-employed workers, with a combined tax cut worth £650 for the average earnings of £28,000 a year.
As a result of tax cuts, and above-inflation increases to tax thresholds since 2010, an average worker in 2024-25 will pay over £1,500 less in personal taxes than they otherwise would have done.
Also coming into effect this month is an increase to the National Living Wage (NLW). Some 310,000 workers in the south east of England will benefit from a 9.8 per cent NLW increase: boosting this to £11.44 an hour. This is a £1,800 annual salary rise to a full-time worker on the National Living Wage.
By freezing the small business rates multiplier for small businesses for a fourth consecutive year, an average shop will save £1,650 with more than 113,000 businesses in the south east benefiting.
Extending Retail, Hospitality & Leisure relief will benefit 230,000 properties with almost £2.4 billion in support, protecting small businesses in our high streets and town centres. This will cut the cost of business rates for over 37,000 firms in the south east.
Pensions are also being boosted in line with the Triple Lock. The basic State Pension, the new State Pension and Pension Credit standard minimum guarantee are being uprated by 8.5 per cent: this will see the State Pension rise by £900 this year. Targeted support includes the Warm Home Discount and the Winter Fuel and Cold Weather Payments.
Securing prosperity for people throughout Crawley is what I will continue to pursue.
Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill: The Fujitsu Horizon IT software accounting system introduced for Post Office use in 1999 unquestionably led to one of the largest miscarriages of justice in British history. The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill will ensure those wrongly convicted are exonerated and compensated.
The Bill was introduced to Parliament last month and is already progressing through the House of Commons. All victims of this scandal must receive the justice they deserve.
Retail crime: To work in retail should be about assisting and serving customers; not to face violence from criminals who want to steal and have no shame in doing so.
Earlier this year I wrote to the Home Secretary on this issue and the Government have now announced that the Fighting Retail Crime plan will include a new standalone criminal offence for assaults on retail workers. This makes clear that there will be tough consequences for this unacceptable behaviour and builds on the police-led Retail Crime Action Plan which was launched in October 2023.
The Government will amend the Criminal Justice Bill so perpetrators face being sent to prison for up to six months, receive an unlimited fine, and be banned from going back to the shop where they committed their crimes.
Criminal Behaviour Orders are to be used to bar perpetrators from visiting specific premises. Breaching an Order is also a criminal offence and carries a five year maximum prison sentence. For the most serious cases of assault, offenders could face a life sentence.
The introduction of a standalone offence of attacking a retail worker has been welcomed by The Co-op Group as well as the British Retail Consortium.
This crackdown was announced in Sussex by the Prime Minister last month, alongside the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, who also serves as Lead on behalf of Police & Crime Commissioners for Business & Retail Crime.
Following her suggestion to the Government last year that tagging of prolific shoplifters would be an important measure in addressing retail crime, I welcome the Prime Minister confirming that the use of GPS tagging will be expanded for repeat shoplifters.
If an offender is found guilty of assaulting staff three times, or is sentenced for shoplifting on three separate occasions, they should be made to wear a tag.
This will act as a continued reminder to offenders that the Probation Service can find out where they have been: with the risk of prison time if they do not comply.
Government is to encourage the design of new crime prevention systems; bringing retailers and insurers together to identify new ways of preventing such thefts.
Businesses will be backed to adopt cutting-edge digital evidence management systems to enable them to more easily share evidence with police, with funding for a new phase of the Pegasus police-business data-sharing partnership, contingent on the success of its first phase.
Business crime is being addressed throughout Sussex, particularly shoplifting, with the creation of a dedicated Business Crime Unit with solved rates up to 69.9 per cent as well as investment in the Safer Sussex Business Partnership.
Let us support the police in building on this vital work.
Safeguarding English football and protecting our clubs: At the last General Election I stood on a manifesto commitment for a fan-led review of football governance.
The Government accepted the review’s report and in his first State Opening of Parliament as monarch five months ago, King Charles III confirmed that legislation “will be brought forward to safeguard the future of football clubs for the benefit of communities and fans.”
In recent weeks the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport formally introduced the Football Governance Bill to Parliament. No one wants to see the state running the national game and the new Independent Football Regulator will be established as a standalone body: independent of both the Government and the football authorities.
The Regulator will cover the top five divisions of men’s football in England: this includes all 116 clubs from the Premier League to the National League. It will ensure fans have a louder voice, and that their interests are placed front and centre. This will include a greater say for fans in the running of clubs, such as on important issues such as club names, badges and kit colours.
Good luck to Crawley Town and Three Bridges in their respective promotion play-offs!
UK trade: I have secured a debate on the role of aviation in UK trade. I will highlight the importance of the aviation sector to UK trade and urge the Government to go further in recognising the role of aviation as a key enabler of economic growth.
Our country must seize its opportunities and our place in the world for connectivity as global Britain. The debate will take place at the conclusion of House of Commons business on Wednesday 1st May and will be available to watch on:
Special educational needs funding boost: All of our children deserve the chance to succeed in life and should have the backing in order to do so.
It is welcome that West Sussex County Council is to receive a funding boost of more than £13.8 million from the Government to help ensure children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) receive an education that meets their needs in a high-quality environment.
Outlawing cages for laying hens: As more and more consumers and businesses support ending the use of such cages it is time for the Government to take action.
Other news
Reforms to support small businesses and apprentices: The Government have announced it will fully fund apprenticeships for young people in small businesses from April 2024 and increase the amount of funding that large employers who are paying the Apprenticeship Levy can pass onto other businesses from 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
Since 2010 we have seen 730 young people in Crawley start an apprenticeship, meaning hundreds more young people have gained the skills they need to secure good jobs. This announcement will build on that progress to support even more young people to fulfil their potential, while also helping small businesses make the most of our fantastic local talent and grow the economy.
K2 Crawley funding boost: K2 Crawley has received over £810,000 investment from Government, improving the pool’s energy efficiency, keeping running costs down and giving more people the opportunity to swim whilst reducing our environmental impact.
The funding is part of the Swimming Pool Support Fund which has invested £80 million into 442 swimming pools across the country since last year.
Zero emission buses: £10.1 million of Government funding for West Sussex County Council to decarbonise their bus fleet, with the funding ensuring buses are more efficient, comfortable and sustainable while improving local journeys.
The funding comes as part of a £143 million investment to roll out 955 zero emission buses across 25 local councils in England.
Buy British: This month I welcomed Ocado, Waitrose, Co-op and Tesco supporting the campaign I am backing which calls on supermarkets to implement an online ‘Buy British’ button.
The campaign for a ‘Buy British’ button aims to make it even easier for people to buy homegrown produce, supporting our nation’s farmers and cutting down on unnecessary food miles.
Foreign national offenders: Asked the Countering Illegal Migration Minister about the actions of Government to ensure foreign national offenders are removed from this country.
Plan for Drivers: Welcoming new measures by Government to tackle anti-driver road schemes and overzealous traffic enforcement, helping to reduce journey times for motorists as part of the long-term Plan for Drivers.
Dame Vera Lynn memorial: Joined almost 100 fellow parliamentarians in calling on the Prime Minister for the Government to provide funding to complete this memorial. Dame Vera Lynn was a great Briton who made an enormous contribution to our country at the time of its darkest hour.
Artificial intelligence: Asked the Science, Innovation & Technology Secretary about proposals for international regulation of AI and the potential impact of this on British sovereignty.
To keep up to date with my work standing up for Crawley please visit:
With my best wishes
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Henry Smith, Member of Parliament for Crawley · House of Commons · London, SW1A 0AA · United Kingdom

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