
Abortion access is under severe attack across the country and we need to act NOW to save it. The GOP’s made it clear that they want to enact a national abortion ban– putting millions of lives in danger. We need to make sure that they never get that chance.

To protect reproductive freedom for all, it’s crucial that we take back the majority in November. That means we need to build up our resources now for the tough road ahead.

My team just let me know that we’re still $4,543 short of our April fundraising goal. If you’re able, please rush a contribution of any amount before the month is over →

Thank you for your support,




Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a strong fighter for California’s values in Washington. As the Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, she has been on the front lines of expanding and protecting the Democratic Majority. Zoe has dedicated her career to fighting for our diverse communities and needs your help. Click here to donate to Zoe’s campaign →

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Lofgren for Congress
PO Box 913
San Jose, CA 95113
United States