
Church in Africa Gets 2 More Bishops, New Map
Church Court: A Youth Must be Elected to GC Commission
Church Broadens Defense of Human Rights
Slides for Annual Conference
EO 2024 Wesley Heritage Tour Info Session

Church in Africa Gets 2 More Bishops, New Map

General Conference approved a plan to add two more bishops and adjust The United Methodist Church’s map in Africa, where the denomination is growing. But several delegates expressed frustration that the number of bishops was below the five initially sought by the 2016 General Conference. Read the United Methodist News Service story at

Church Court: A Youth Must be Elected to GC Commission

The United Methodist Church’s top court ruled on a question about youth membership on the commission that plans General Conference. This marks the first time the Judicial Council has been asked to rule on church law since the legislative assembly began. Read the United Methodist News Service story at

Church Broadens Defense of Human Rights

In the first batch of revised Social Principles approved by General Conference, The United Methodist Church commits to supporting the human rights for all people. Read the United Methodist News Service story at

Slides for Annual Conference

If you have announcements that you would like included in the announcement slide reel at Annual Conference, email them to Lauren Miers ([email protected] ) no later than May 16. Announcement slides will be run during breaks.

EO 2024 Wesley Heritage Tour Info Session

Join Bishop and Susan Farr and the Missouri Annual Conference on a 10-day Wesley Heritage Tour this fall, Oct. 15-25. If you are interested in this trip opportunity, attend the upcoming virtual info session at either 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14. Educational Opportunities Tours Conference Coordinator Rev. Melissa Dodd will share more about the trip, offer cost and logistic details, and answer any questions. RSVP for the info session at 

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Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church

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