

We’ve entered a new era in the political persecution of President Trump.


If you’ve seen my movies about the deep state and the growth of the police state in our country, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


The only way to remedy this is to send MAGA fighters to Congress to fight alongside President Trump when he wins in November.


I know, without a doubt, that my son-in-law Brandon Gill is one of those warriors who is trying to take the fight to Congress and represent the people of Texas.


President Trump knows this, too.


That’s why he has given Brandon his FULL endorsement.


And the Swamp is terrified.


They know that if Brandon joins President Trump in Washington, the stranglehold they have on America will be under threat.


That’s why Left-wing news outlets are firing off political hit jobs against Brandon and the Swamp’s allies are spending MILLIONS to launch massive smear campaigns filled with lies and vile attacks to deceive Texas voters in a desperate attempt to defeat him.


But unlike his Democrat opponent, Brandon isn’t willing to sell out the American people to special interest groups to get the resources he needs to win this election.


Brandon’s campaign relies on the support of patriots like you.


And he urgently needs our help to secure victory and ensure that Congress puts America First.


Patriot, what the Deep State’s allies are doing to President Trump WILL only get worse if we allow liberal Republicans in Washington to continue to sell out the America First movement.


If we don’t stop the weaponization of the federal government by the Biden Regime to punish conservatives like President Trump then I’m afraid of who will be next.


It could be me, another elected official, or even American conservatives like you.


That’s why it is so crucial that we send strong Republicans to Washington who will stand up to the Swamp and fight to derail the Left’s radical anti-American agenda.


Which is exactly what Brandon Gill will do if elected.


The 2024 elections will be one we remember for years to come. So let’s make it count!


I am only reaching out to the most reliable conservatives in the country to send immediate support, and I’d be so grateful if you’d join Brandon and I in this fight to take our country back.


Join the team today >>>


Talk Soon,


Dinesh D’Souza


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