John, with barely 24 hours until my April fundraising deadline, is there anything I can say to convince you to pitch in to help hit our goal?

What if I told you that if everyone reading this email pitched in just $3 (including you, John!), we’d surpass our fundraising goal for the rest of the YEAR, and could make immediate investments that could dramatically increase our chances of defending the Senate?

What if I pulled back the curtain, and told you that even among the most successful emails we send, where supporters like you feel inspired to lend the greatest number of donations, only about one in every ten thousand people, or 0.1%, will donate?

Or what if I told you that if the worst comes to pass, and Donald Trump returns to the White House, we can’t afford to lose a single seat if we’re going to keep our Democratic Senate majority, and serve as a vital check and balance on the most authoritarian-minded president in our history?

I’m pouring all of my being into defending the Senate and re-electing Joe Biden in November, and if there is anything I can say to convince you to join me before our April deadline, let this be it.

Please, John, before this month’s deadline, send our campaign a $3 contribution or whatever you can afford to help win the most important election of our lifetimes.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you. I can only hope to explain how important your support really is.

With love and gratitude,
