Stephen Smith for WV Governor.


Our tax dollars must benefit taxpayers, not tax dodgers and profiteers like our current Governor. No more lavish office furniture, no more fancy retreats paid for with disaster relief money, no more government waste cover ups, and no more bloated payouts to politically-connected Good Old Boys.

We have the money to invest in making our lives better, right now:

  • Funds that could go toward alleviating the financial devastation of coronavirus
  • Funds that could provide paid sick days and paid family/medical leave
  • Funds that could make sure every West Virginian has access to clean water at home
  • Funds that could go to support our first responders on the front lines

But the Good Old Boys Club in Charleston instead spends our money in ways that benefit themselves and their donors at our expense.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Our plan to end government waste includes:

  • The creation of a Taxpayer Council on Government Waste.
  • A Corporate Crime and Political Corruption Division in the State Police.

and more...

Read the full plan here.

Here's how you can help:

1) Share this plan with your friends right now. 

2) Donate to our campaign, so this plan can become law.

3) Set up a call with me- Stephen Smith, candidate for Governor.


Stephen Smith

Candidate for Governor



Paid for and authorized by Smith for WV.