
Guess what? We’re taking back Title IX.

We just filed a blockbuster lawsuit against the Biden administration’s illegal Title IX regulation. 

The recently announced regulation upends the 1972 Title IX law, including by providing males access to girls’ locker rooms and requiring speech codes that indoctrinate young students with gender ideology. The regulation also ends basic due process rights owed every student by limiting individuals accused of sexual harassment from defending themselves.

This is the first step in a long and uphill effort to preserve women’s spaces. And we need your help, Friend. Please consider allying with us and donating today towards the efforts of IW’s Independent Women’s Law Center as we preserve the rights of not only students, but parents and teachers who refuse to abide by the administration’s gender ideology. 

Our future depends on stopping the madness now, before it’s too late.
Yours in the fight,

May Mailman
Independent Women’s Law Center