Californians have serious questions about the future of our state.


I decided to run for Controller in 2014 and not any other statewide office because it is the one office that has the greatest potential of elevating the public’s trust and confidence in their government — serving as the watchdog for how your tax dollars are spent.

I am proud of the work my team and I did in uncovering over $7 billion in improper and wasteful spending, managing our state’s cash so we did not have to borrow externally to pay the state’s bills, and called out flaws and deficiencies of the statewide accounting system that went unaddressed and contributed to delays in the release of California’s annual financial reports. These are not headline-grabbing issues, but they are critical to efficient government, informed actions and decisions by policymakers, and the financial health of the state.

Californians have very real questions about what the coming years will bring for our state. I know you feel it, and the folks I speak to on the trail are too. Between the affordability crisis, insurance companies fleeing the state, and a likely protracted budget deficit – things just aren't adding up. The state budget and current deficit have real impacts and consequences for all Californians. And it’s the most underserved Californians who are paying the biggest price.

Now more than ever, we need leadership that is not afraid to invite strict accountability over how we meet the needs of everyday people. And we need a leader who knows how to get the most out of our budget.

I am capable and ready to be that leader, and with your support we can get our state back on track. Please donate $5, $35, $100, or whatever amount you can to power our movement and create a California that adds up for everyone.

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