Justice Democrats


This is a long but important email about what we’ve accomplished together with all of you and the Squad so far, and why we need your support to protect our progressive power in Congress. I hope you’ll take a moment to read it and pitch in whatever you can afford to help protect the Squad in 2024 before tomorrow's midnight deadline.

Over the last three cycles, alongside so many, our movement has been instrumental in building real power in the U.S. House by electing some of the most progressive, diverse, working-class representatives Congress has seen in our lifetime — leaders like Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Summer Lee, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the rest of the Squad.

Despite all the odds stacked against us, we’ve not only succeeded in electing these true representatives of the people – we have fundamentally reset what we expect from our elected officials: the urgency they bring to office and how much they are willing to put their political capital and power on the line to fight for the most vulnerable among us. The Squad has fundamentally shifted the trajectory of American politics and has done it all on our behalf.

Each of these progressive champions has led the fight for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, a livable minimum wage, racial justice, student debt relief, and so much more. While we continue the work to make some of these bold, necessary policies a reality, the Squad has brought a whole lot of good to their communities and the country at large.

During their time in Congress, the Squad has delivered more than $4 billion to their districts to fund infrastructure, K-12 public education, affordable housing, firefighting, climate resilience, public transit, health centers, senior housing, employment assistance, and so much more.

They’ve stood with striking workers on picket lines, demanded an extension of the federal evictions moratorium during the pandemic, and pushed for the largest investment in clean energy and climate action ever through the Inflation Reduction Act.

They were also among the very first to introduce a ceasefire resolution and call for peace and the release of all Palestinian and Israeli hostages back in October, despite cruel attacks from colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

As a result, the Squad has angered Republicans, billionaires, and war hawks alike; that’s why AIPAC and their right-wing megadonor network are spending $100 million against them this cycle to try removing them from office.

Corporate PACs have spent millions against us in the past and failed to beat our people power. These attacks are proof that what we’re doing is working — so we can’t let them set us back this year.

That’s why Justice Democrats and more than ten progressive partner organizations are rushing to raise $100,000 this month for the five Squad members facing the toughest re-election fights.

Can you split $5 or any amount right now to help us raise what we need to protect the Squad before April ends?

Contribute $5

Unlike the right-wing groups attacking us who are backed by corporate interests and GOP millionaires, Justice Democrats and the Squad rely on grassroots donations from regular people like you to make our work possible.

Thank you for anything you can contribute to help the Squad accomplish even more for our communities, country, and world. Together, we can and will achieve the progress and justice we all deserve by protecting and building our power.

In solidarity,

Alexandra Rojas
Executive Director