We've just been endorsed by Wilco Democratic Veterans and it's perfecting timing!

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Texas is ready for a game changer

Hi John, 


Since launching my campaign for Congress just five months ago, we've received dozens of local endorsements — from community organizations, local political leaders, and folks just like you. 


And now, we can add one more... I've just been endorsed by the Williamson County Democratic Veterans!

Wilco Democratic Veterans endorse Stuart Whitlow for Congress

This is huge news ahead of the May 28th runoff election — it's clear that our campaign has unmatched momentum with the voters in TX-31, and this is just the start. 


Will you join the powerful movement we've got going here in TX-31 and chip in a few dollars to help power our team to the Democratic nomination?

My district is home to almost 70,000 Veterans — more than any other part of Texas. These are all folks who've answered the call to serve our country; whose sacrifices have helped shape and define who we are as Americans. For many, these are also folks who are anxious about what comes next. 


Veterans living here know that this Republican Party has betrayed them — time and time again, ever since Trump took over. The evidence is just too frequent, too public, and too damning to ignore:

  • Republicans in Congress opposing lifesaving medical care through the PACT Act. 

  • President Trump calling all Veterans losers and attacking war heroes on social media. 

  • My opponent, John Carter, introducing a hate-fueled anti-woke amendment in this year's military construction budget👇.
Rolling Stone article headline — U.S. House Republicans vote against Veterans

Veterans all across the country are paying attention to the GOP's false patriotism and unfulfilled promises.


We're proud our campaign has been endorsed by an organization that actively promotes participation by Veterans in the electoral process. Because right now — there are critical everyday issues affecting the lives of those who served (and their families), and Republicans just aren't delivering.


The Wilco Democratic Veterans know that I'm never going to sell out those who've served this country. Thanks to the efforts of organizations like the Texas Democratic Veterans Caucus and its local affiliate, Wilco Democratic VeteransVeterans will be using their voices at the ballot box this next election. 


Will you please chip in what you can to help support our campaign? Every dollar we raise today helps us get one step closer to winning the Democratic Nomination on May 28th, and taking on far-right extremist John Carter in November.

With courage,

Stuart Whitlow's signature

Stuart Whitlow,
Democrat for Congress (TX-31)


Coach Stuart on the court
Democrat Stuart Whitlow has been fighting for Texans for over two decades — on and off the court, and in and out of the courtroom. But to take on MAGA extremist and anti-science Congressman John Carter, Stuart will need all of us on his team.  
Join Coach Stuart today in the fight against extremism and chip in now to support our campaign »





910 Quest Parkway | Suite 6113 | Cedar Park, TX 78613

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