
Of course.

Of course Kristi Noem bragged about killing her puppy in her upcoming book.

Of course she doubled down on it.

Of course MAGA's coming to her defense. Can you think of anything more fascist than celebrating killing your own puppy?

Of course MAGA's all in on performative cruelty. We often say that with MAGA, the cruelty is the point.

The really messed up thing? Remember, Trump's holding the worst season of The Apprentice ever in real time at Mar-a-lago. He's encouraging anyone who wants a job in his Project 2025 hellscape (including vice president) to prove their fealty to him. Think of it as MAGA's version of an eight-year-old bully making some poor kid eat a bug. But you know, with puppy killing.

I can't believe I have to email you and tell you that puppy killing is bad and we should stop the bad, bad people who brag about killing said puppies. But that's where we are. And the only way to beat a bully is to take the fight right to them.

That’s why we’re showing voters just how extreme MAGA is right now in Arizona and Wisconsin. Soon we'll be broadening our efforts. Want to make MAGA feel the pain? The time to take the fight to them is right now.





P.S: Below is a photo of my two German Shorthaired Pointers, Jane and Jilly. After reading about Kristi, I had to give them extra treats this weekend. Keep sending us your dog photos, too. We'll keep sharing them.

While others talk - we're walking the walk. We're live right now in Arizona and Wisconsin running our hardest-hitting ads to the swing voters that will decide this election. Our commitment is to keep messaging those voters from now until Election Day, but we can't do it without you. Learn more about what we're doing and what key swing voters in AZ/WI are seeing right now >>

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