What a fun time we’ve been having with our dinosaur friends at ASAN! Even with all that fun, April is almost over and we are wrapping up Autism Acceptance month. Though our work runs all year, it is always fun to celebrate, get a little silly, and fundraise. The work that we do would not be possible without this wonderful community. Would you help us do more for our community? Your support lets us make sure everyone has accessible information about the issues that affect them. Here’s how you can help us keep that going:
Donate to us directly here
Or become a member and get exclusive perks here
Start a Facebook fundraiser at no cost to you, and share with friends
Buy a copy of Loud Hands or another one of our books here
Get a sticker or other item from our Threadless shop
Spread the word about us! You can tell your friends about us on social media, via email, or in person
As we are wrapping up our dinosaur shenanigans, we would like to extend our thanks to our email readers and community members. When our prehistoric friends took over, we had no idea the ride we were in for. We had such good feedback from our community about our new friends. We loved the engagement and look forward to finding ways to encourage this communication.

We also want to thank our friends at the Field Museum who came and talked dinosaurs with us last week! Getting to meet Sue, talk accessibility, and learn more about a beloved topic was a highlight for staff and attendees alike. Our presentation would not have been possible without the enthusiastic participation of Jeff Schroder and Eduarda Briseno. Their involvement in the organization of this event was key to making it all come together.

There’s still time to get our member-exclusive merch design! You can get one for yourself by becoming a member at the Public Policy Pals level or above. This design won't stick around forever, so join today before it goes extinct!
We’d like to thank our donors, new and old. Without your support we could not do the work we’re doing now. Thank you for believing in the cause of autistic organizations by and for the autistic community. Though Autism Acceptance Month is coming to an end, we know that this community continues to live these values.
Finally, we must announce that our dino guests have to make their exit. All things must come to an end and our new friends will be leaving at the end of the month. We’re going to be excited to have our mugs and printer back to working order. Our friends may be leaving, but they’ve left their marks behind—mostly teeth marks in our office supplies. But we still have a day left, so let’s continue the celebration until our friends go home!

Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
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