Join our Labor Picnic & Canvass this Weekend!

🗓 What's Going On this Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

🌹 = Great for First-Timers!


🌹May Day Labor Canvass May 4th!🌹

Early voting in House District 42 is already under way, and we're going all out to elect a socialist to office! Join us every Wednesday for phonebanking or for one (or TWO!) Saturday canvassing shifts with the Gabriel Sanchez Campaign.


Every Saturday, we meet for a morning canvassing shift from 10 AM - 1 PM, with another afternoon shift from 2 PM - 5 PM. In honor of May Day, we're hosting a special Labor Canvass this weekend - union members encouraged to attend!

🐜 May Day Picnic! 🐜

Celebrate May Day (AKA International Worker's Day!with Atlanta DSA! Join us for an outdoor picnic at the park in between canvassing shifts for the Sanchez for Georgia campaign.

We'll be enjoying snacks and drinks to celebrate the many successes of the labor movement over the last year - from Starbucks workers bringing the company to its knees to UAW's astounding worker-led contract victory! All workers are welcome. Bring a friend, a dish, and a picnic blanket.

Plus, join us before and after to canvass for the Gabriel Sanchez Campaign. To build a working class movement, we'll need socialists in office willing to champion worker's rights, fair wages, and the right to bargain a contract. Sign up for the 10 am - 1 pm morning shift and 2 - 5 pm afternoon shift here!


📓 Socialist Night School 📓

Have you ever felt that, although feminists and socialists often work together in solidarity, we sometimes seem to be speaking different languages? Marxist social reproduction feminism provides a way to talk about the emancipation of workers and the emancipation of women as a single liberatory project. Join us this Sunday at 4 PM, in person or on Zoom, for a discussion of ideas drawn from Marx, Engels, Angela Davis, and 21st century Marxist feminists!


🎤 Sanchez for Georgia Comedy Night 🎤

Politics is serious work, but Team Sanchez is trying something different. Join us for a Political Comedy Fundraiser on Saturday, May 11 to raise funds for the Sanchez for Georgia Campaign. Enjoy comedy and light refreshments with comrades and local comedians - while donating for a good cause!


✊ This Week: Actions Against HB 1105 ✊

Join the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights for Three Days of Action against House Bill 1105. This bill, passed on March 28, is rooted in anti-immigrant sentiment - it would mandate local law enforcement to comply with failed policies and programs like 287(g) and error-prone ICE detainers that will cost counties millions of dollars.


Governor Brian Kemp has until May 7th to decide whether to veto HB 1105 or sign it into law. This week, we're taking to the streets to make our message clear: Georgia says NO to HB 1105! Join us at the following events:


🇵🇸 Student Solidarity: Emory and Beyond 🇵🇸

This week, we've seen escalations of brutality from law enforcement targeting university students across the country - Atlanta is no exception. Local and state police flooded Emory University's campus after students set up an encampment calling for an end to Palestinian genocide and Emory's divestments from Cop City and the Israeli war machine.


Here's how we can support the protestors' work and help the 28 students, faculty, and community members facing arrest:

  • Send an email to Emory administrators calling for divestment from Israel and affirming students' rights to protest.
  • If you're an Emory student, parent, or alum, use these templates to contact university staff in support of protestors' demands.
  • Donate to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund.

📝 Labor Survey 📝

Help us build the labor movement!
We can't build the labor movement without your help! Fill out our 2024 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in Labor Committee work. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and all information you enter is confidential.

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few