MethaneSat in space with

John, I hope you’ll enjoy browsing the spring issue of Solutions, the quarterly member newsletter, and learning about the innovation, science, economics and unique partnerships our members make possible. Click here to check out this spring’s cover story, “The new frontier,” about the successful launch of MethaneSAT and how EDF is fighting climate change from space. 

Other stories include:

  • Supremely important decision for the environment: In a Q&A with EDF’s General Counsel, Vickie Patton, she explains how a Supreme Court case about fishing boats could affect the future of environmental protections and how she and her team are prepared to keep fighting.
  • New tailpipe pollution rules to slash climate pollution and save lives: Informed by EDF analyses, member comments and more, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized stronger limits on tailpipe pollution from cars and light trucks that will bring more jobs for workers, more choices and savings for consumers, and a healthier future for everyone.
  • Showing where help is needed most: EDF and Texas A&M University created the U.S. Climate Vulnerability Index to identify the communities affected first and worst by climate change. It examines an area’s potential for natural disasters and people’s ability to adapt to changing conditions — like income levels, housing security, access to health care and transportation.

You can support this critical work and help fight climate change by donating to EDF’s Spring Membership Drive before midnight tomorrow, April 30! If you start a monthly gift and become an EDF Eco Partner, you’ll double your impact to ensure a vital Earth — one with clean air and a safer climate. EDF members also receive a hard copy of Solutions in the mail as one member benefit.

The results we achieve for the climate and our environment depend on members like you.

Thank you for standing with us,

Anne Russell Gregory
Manager, Online Member Engagement

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