What’s the relationship between combating the far right and working for systemic change? The three way fight approach says we need sharper analysis of far-right movements so we can fight them more effectively. This new book, developed across decades of struggle against the far-right, provides lessons and insights for anyone seeking to learn more about fascism and antifascism and how to fight back.

Help publish Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism, edited by Xtn Alexander and Matthew N. Lyons with a Foreword by Janeen Porter and Afterword by Michael Staudenmaier.

Learn more about the book, contributors, praise, and Table of Contents. Check out all the rewards including the new book and e-Book, combo packs with related works, donation options, a new antifascist shirt and scarf which are benefits for antifascist groups, and more.

Thanks in advance for helping to get this important book into the world.


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