# Today’s Conservative News
Hey there…glad you could click in to see how things are going. Settle in so that we can share the latest news with you.
**Cartoon of the Day**
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# **AOC’s Expensive, Poop-Strained Coffee**
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It’s hard to believe that AOC continues to identify as a liberal and a socialist. She’s all about capitalism, which is why she’s promoting some [new, expensive coffee]([link removed]) from her social platforms. You already know she’s getting a kickback.
But here’s the thing about this coffee – it’s more expensive than the average American can afford. And it’s also strained through poop. Gross.
[Read on.]([link removed])
[**"Enjoy your coffee in a shotgun shell thermo bottle, and without the poop AOC thinks is so delicious"**]([link removed])
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[Is Global Warming Real?]([link removed])
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[Judge Shoots Down Effort to Identify FBI, Undercover Police on Jan. 6]([link removed][EMAIL_ADDRESS])
[**Avoid calcium? Do this to REVERSE bone & muscle loss**]([link removed])
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**Stop your Body from Shriveling**
**Video of the Day**
Youtube: Becoming a Survivalist: Survival Skills Are a Lost Art (PART 3 of 4) ([link removed])
Talk to you soon,
_Sam Bennett_
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