Fair Shot PAC

Janelle Stelson

Team, my name is Janelle Stelson, I am now officially the Democratic nominee in Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District — and I’m the woman who is going to defeat Congressman Scott Perry this November.

So, will you split a donation of just $10 between my campaign and Fair Shot PAC right now so we can defeat insurrectionist, election-denier, Trump lackey, anti-choice, conspiracy theorist (and I could go on…😳) Scott Perry?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Fair Shot PAC and Janelle Stelson will go through immediately:

You probably already know this, but here is what a villain Scott Perry really is.

  • Perry has been cited as “central to the planning” of the deadly January 6th insurrection.
  • He is in favor of a national abortion ban and outlawing IVF. In fact, he has co-sponsored the “Life At Conception Act”— a total abortion ban — every Congress since 2018.
  • He voted to throw out our ballots following the 2020 election to keep Donald Trump in power.
  • He voted against improving our roads and bridges, against bringing down inflation, against helping our small businesses, and against lowering prescription drug costs.

Do I really need to keep going?

For too long, Congressman Chaos Scott Perry has spread conspiracy theories and acted out his extremist agenda totally unchecked. That ends in November. But while Scott Perry has millions of dark money dollars backing him, I am relying on the support of donors like you.

Now is when it counts. It is critical that I raise as much as possible in the coming weeks to show Scott Perry and MAGA Republicans that Americans are sick and tired of extremism. Will you stand with me at this critical juncture by splitting a donation of any amount between my campaign and Fair Shot PAC today?

RUSH $25 →

Help me capitalize on this momentum by chipping in any amount right now. Together, we can save democracy.

Thank you,
Janelle Stelson