We have three pieces of information that change EVERYTHING, John. 

1. Mike Johnson and MAGA Republicans in Congress schemed to overturn the 2020 election for Trump – and were FURIOUS when they FAILED. 

2. So Republicans launched over 400 anti-democratic voter suppression bills across the country to keep Democrats from ever winning AGAIN. 

3. Now, Rachel Maddow is alerting us all about the stakes of this upcoming election – and it’s SHOCKING.

Rachel Maddow: This election is a choice 'between having a democracy and not'

Rachel’s not mincing words, John – letting these extreme MAGA Republicans keep control of the House would be devastating for our democracy.

So we’re urgently emailing all District Of Columbia Democrats to ask you to step up before it’s too late.

John, 2024 is our once-in-a-generation shot to restore our critical Democratic Trifecta. We can’t let this moment go to waste. But extremist House Republicans have already amassed a MASSIVE $112 MILLION to expand their MAGA Majority and keep their shaky grip on power. If we want to have any shot at catching up to Republicans’ mega-millions and protecting our voters and our democracy from their vile scheming, we need to step up now. We need 415 grassroots democracy defenders to join us before our End of Month Deadline in 24 hours so we can send these extremists a message they can’t ignore: Paws off our democracy and voting rights! With so much on the line, we have to meet every deadline – no exceptions, no excuses. So, John, can we count on your $15? >>

Hear us loud and clear, John:

We CANNOT allow Rachel Maddow’s warning to go unanswered.

We CANNOT allow Republicans to silence our voters and sabotage our democracy.

We CANNOT allow them to use their $112 MILLION war chest to flood the airwaves with lies about our Democrats.

But if we don’t fight to elect a historic number of Democrats to office and WIN a Democratic Trifecta with all that we’ve got – we could hand Republicans the Majority once and for all.

Here’s our plan, John: We’re building a coalition of 415 grassroots democracy defenders to stand up against Republicans’ cruel voter suppression schemes. We know that if we can stand together, we can propel our Democrats to a HISTORIC victory and finally take back the reigns of power. But it’s going to take all of us working together to combat Republicans’ overstuffed campaign coffers. Can you rush in $15 before our End of Month Deadline hits in 24 hours? >>

Chip in $15 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in another amount now >>



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