Friends and Comrades- Thank you to everyone who came out this weekend to canvass and to our General Meeting. We got important updates on our electoral work, Palestine solidarity, and fellow comrade's experiences at Labor Notes, Lots of things coming up, starting with a rally for Palestine supporting the Solidarity Encampment there today!

Support the UNM Solidarity Encampment!

Support UNM students and allied organizations as they call for UNM to divest from investments in Israel. Meet TODAY, March 29th, at 6pm at the UNM Duck Pond.


Please wear masks and be ready to show your solidarity with Palestine. You can check for updates at this site and here on Instagram.

Canvass with Veronica Sunday!

Veronica is an amazing candidate who needs our support! Please text or call Markela at (505)-569-0304 to RSVP to canvass for Veronica this Sunday!

Support UNM Grad Worker's Union

United Graduate Workers of UNM (UNM-UGW) is fighting for graduate worker compensation RIGHT NOW. UNM admin continue to present bogus proposals which are not even close to the living wage that grad workers deserve, as well as excluding Research Assistants from guaranteed raises.


Please support UNM-UGA this Wednesday, May 1, on the picket line at the intersection of Las Lomas and University between 9am-1pm. You can RSVP to support them at this link.?

Saturday Canvasses with Adam!

Support Adam Fulton Johnson in his race for County Commission! His campiagn will be meeting every Saturday until Election Day at Rose Park at 9:30am. You can sign up to canvass any of the coming Saturdays at thins link.?

Alianza Tenants Union Needs Our Help!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Alianza Tenants Union at Las Lomas Apartments in Espanola, where tenants are facing retaliatory eviction threats from an out-of-state Property management company!


Donate here to support the tenants union. Donations will be accepted by Santa Fe DSA but will be earmarked exclusively to support tenants in the Alianza Tenants Union.


DSA depends on support from ordinary members, rather than corporate funding or grants. As we ramp up our campaigns to take on the millionaire and billionaire class in New Mexico, any donations you can provide will go a long way.