
I'm reaching out today as the clock ticks down to the final juncture with the UN’s Pandemic Treaty, and the urgency of our mission escalates. 

What we are up against is a potential overhaul of our freedoms - that would empower the World Health Organization to dictate global health responses and impact our daily autonomy.

Make no mistake, if this treaty is ratified, it means:

  • YOU don’t decide which vaccines to give your kids
  • YOU don’t decide where you can freely go
  • YOU don’t decide whether you can worship in person
  • Instead, these and countless other choices would be left up to elites to decide for you

In a revealing move, the WHO has convened an emergency Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting, happening right now - the pressure they're under to finalize this treaty is undeniable. 

It's a clear signal: they're feeling the heat, and you are the flame. 

Meanwhile, CitizenGO is cooking up a huge plan to make sure your voice booms at the World Health Assembly in Geneva on May 27 (check out the email below for all the details, please.)

Now is the moment to amplify our efforts. Your contribution is crucial to bolstering our presence in Geneva, and ensuring our collective plan is executed effectively. Will you help fuel our mission at this pivotal time?

I will donate $10

I will donate $30

I will donate $80

I will donate $160

I will donate $300


Thanks for all that you do,

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team


Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:


Our long-waged war against the WHO Pandemic Treaty has reached its boiling point!

For nearly two years, together, you and I have waged a relentless battle against what is one of the greatest looming threats to our core liberties… And our efforts have paid off! 

I know that throughout all this time, you, like me, haven't been fooled into thinking the pandemic treaty is about protecting our health. Not at all!

The pandemic has long been over, but globalists are still pressing forward to ratify the pandemic treaty. WHY? 

Because it's about citizens becoming puppets of a globalist power that controls our health, the vaccines we must give our kids - even when they're not effective -, lockdowns, economic standstills, and limits our freedom to move and live as we wish.

Thanks to your consistent support, they’ve failed to ratify it. But now, the UN elites are desperately trying to finalize the agreement before the set deadline of 27th May at the UN World Health Assembly. 

We cannot defeat them again without your support right now. Make no mistake, if this treaty is ratified, it means:

  • YOU don’t decide which vaccines to give your kids
  • YOU don’t decide where you can freely go
  • YOU don’t decide whether you can worship in person
  • Instead, these and countless other choices would be left up to elites to decide for you

But you can help stop this with your gift. 

I will donate $10

I will donate $30

I will donate $80

I will donate $160

I will donate $300


How do I know your gift will stop them? 

Because we only got this far because of you. If it weren’t for you, they would have passed this treaty last year. That’s why they are working desperately against the clock. 

But this is no reason to be complacent.

The recent scramble by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to add another round of negotiations (starting on April 29th) to resolve the deadlock screams of desperation.

They're feeling the heat, and it's clear they're willing to push through anything at this point - even a more watered-down version of the Pandemic Treaty, just to claim a win.

After pouring immense resources into this treaty, they're too invested to back down now. 

What’s more, they’ve literally just organized a high-powered intervention to increase credibility. 

Imagine the scene - over 40 former world leaders, a past UN General Secretary, and three Nobel Laureates stepping into the fray, trying to sprinkle stardust on their cause (1).

In the meantime, the treaty's language is shifting more and more from suggestive to compulsory - and citizens are being kept in the dark about all of this.

The latest amended draft appears to be almost fully compulsory, stating throughout the document that “the Parties commit to …” and “the Parties shall …” with the word “shall” used more than 160 times! (see in References below).

What they’re pursuing isn't just an overreach - it's a direct threat to your sovereignty, health, family, and freedoms.

This is a critical moment, a real test of our resolve. They're backed into a corner, but so determined to seal this deal that they'll do just about anything. 

What comes next?

Our inside sources, aligned with the view of most experts, agree that by May, the WHO is likely to adopt some version of this treaty. 

Right now, the core of their disagreement isn't about our freedoms, unfortunately, but a power struggle – wealthier nations vying for control over critical resources like vaccines, while countries like those in Africa resist what they see as unfair practices. 

This clash over control and equity is slowing them down, but concern over your essential right to make informed healthcare choices isn’t part of the debate. 

We have to give it our all right NOW, whilst we have a chance of stalling them - because once this treaty becomes international law, it will be too late. 

100% of your gift will go directly to mobilizing the opposition needed to stop this treaty. Together, we can confront this challenge and emerge victorious. Click below to quickly and securely make your gift and defeat this treaty. 

I will donate $10

I will donate $30

I will donate $80

I will donate $160

I will donate $300


With your donation, CitizenGO is not just campaigning - we're setting the stage for a showdown in Geneva, like never before!

As the deadline of 27 May to ratify the Treaty fast approaches, this is where we have to tighten our grip and double down on the pressure. 

CitizenGO has a clear-cut strategy to confront these crucial months and become an absolute nightmare for the advocates of the Pandemic Treaty.

Specifically, your donation will…

  • Kickstart a large-scale mobilization to gather 3 million signatures, aiming to impact the 77th World Health Assembly decisively,
  • Mobilize a robust delegation of fearless activists and campaigners to Geneva, ensuring our presence is felt and our voices heard by the WHO delegates,
  • Execute a powerful demonstration in Geneva, showcasing the united opposition of 3 million citizens against the treaty,
  • Organize a large-scale delivery of the collected signatures straight to the UN headquarters,
  • Invest in awareness, by allocating $10,000 towards a strategic Twitter advertising campaign to draw in new supporters, expand our reach, and elevate public awareness about the treaty's risks.
  • Selectively approach journalists, politicians, allied organizations, and key decision-makers globally to join forces for this critical final effort, ensuring our campaign resonates across the world!

Before I finish, I just want to stress the critical moment in history that we find ourselves in. 

This Pandemic Treaty and the consequences stemming from the amended International Health Regulations (IHR) are not just any items on the global agenda - there are thunderclaps threatening to reverberate through our lives. 

We're talking about a seismic shift that could affect everything we do.

Imagine a world where the decisions that shape our day-to-day are no longer ours to make. 

That's the potential reality we face—one we must unite against with every fiber of our being. 

We owe it to ourselves to do everything possible to unite and defend what we stand for. 

Honestly speaking - we may not get another chance!

Please give before it is too late. Let's not give them the chance to compromise your cherished freedoms and health choices.

I will donate $10

I will donate $30

I will donate $80

I will donate $160

I will donate $300


Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for standing with us from day one, in what is one of the most pressing issues of this decade. Stay in this fight, and stay free!

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. This is it—the eleventh hour. Please make your contribution before closing this email. Our battle plan is set, but we need to know the strength of our arsenal. Your support today will determine the might we bring to the World Health Assembly, against the WHO globalists. 

Let's not look back and wish we had done more. Act now, support our final push, and together, let's etch a victory for freedom. Every donation, no matter the size, is a crucial step towards safeguarding our future. 

Join us, and let's make this final campaign our most impactful one yet!


Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty

WHO negotiations for Pandemic Treaty extended due to disagreements

Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (March 2024)

They Include This Command 164 Times

WHO: INB Bureau proposes another round of negotiations without “on-screen” drafting