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Help Us Publish
These Three New Books

Please consider helping us publish these three new books: The World at War, Full Reserve Banking vs. Real Bills Doctrine, and Austrian Business Cycle Theory: an Introduction.

Every donor of $500 or more will appear as a Patron in all three books. To become a Patron, click here.

The World at War
By Ralph Raico
Edited by Edward Fuller

To understand war, you also have to
understand economics.

Ralph Raico's lecture "The World at War" is a masterpiece. Recorded in 1983, it remains perhaps the
best introduction to the classical-liberal interpretation of the two world wars of the twentieth century. Raico's interpretation and insights into the causes of perpetual war are much needed today in light of the war-hungry, interventionist politicians that keep the economy on a warfare footing for their political ambitions.

Full Reserve Banking vs. Real Bills Doctrine
By Philipp Bagus

Bagus's writing defends Austrian monetary theory and full reserve banking against the Real Bills doctrine. It shows that Mises's supposed errors are not errors at all. At the same time, the book criticizes in detail the whole of Rallo's
theory of money, exposing the author's errors.

Austrian Businss Cylce Theory: an Introduction
By Paul Cwik

Professor Paul Cwik set out to write an introductory book, a primer on the Austrian business cycle theory, which explains recessions. He saw that nothing was available that discussed the Austrian business cycle
theory (ABCT) on a simple and concrete basis for the layman. Only when you understand the smaller parts of how the economy works can you begin to understand
how the larger system works.
Learn more about these three books here. Please contact Kristy Holmes, [email protected], with questions regarding your sponsorship.
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