John, I know you’re busy, but this news can’t wait: 

FIRST: A recent poll showed a dead-even race in the battle for the House.

THEN: MAGA Republicans announced their BEST fundraising month of the cycle.

NOW: My End of Month Deadline is 24 hours away and meeting our goal is essential to ensuring Democrats can bring this win home.

John, we can’t risk falling short now – not when the polls show we’re just inches from victory and Republicans are armed with $124 million to defeat us.

I know Democrats can rise to this challenge, but I just checked ActBlue and unfortunately I’m still 3,146 contributions short of my fundraising goal with only 24 hours left until my critical End of Month Deadline. I’m reaching out to my supporters who haven’t donated yet to ask you to chip in $15 to help us reach our target. With control of Congress locked in a statistical tie, I simply can’t afford to fall short of a single goal. So please: Can you chip in your very first contribution to help us fund our most critical races, compete with the MAGA mega-donors, and win back the House majority? >>


NAME: John xxxxxx

Suggested Support: $15 >>

John, MAGA Republicans have no shame.

They will stop at nothing to institute their dangerous far-right agenda, while everyday Americans are left on the sidelines. 

Enough is enough.

John, make no mistake about it: We are so close to reclaiming the House – and it will take every last Democrat joining together to do it. I need to gather 3,146 donations before my End of Month Deadline to reach my goal, outraise Republicans, and ensure Democrats flip the House. Please, will you chip in any amount? >>

Thank you,



Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Growing up, Suzan saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. She first ran for Congress because she saw that working families like hers needed someone to have their backs.

Now, as DCCC Chairwoman, she’s leading the charge to elect Democrats in every corner of our country, stick up for every American family, and deliver real change in Washington. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Suzan defeat Republican extremism and flip the House?


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