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We now have a 900K Republican Voter Advantage!
On Friday we set a historical landmark here in Florida. We now have a 900,000 Republican voter advantage. In less than 4 years there has been a shift of over 1.1 million voters towards our Republican party!
Chip in Now to Help Us Continue the Fight!
The fight is not over yet.  We have set an ambitious goal of getting to a 1 million voter advantage by the November election. The Democrats though are targeting Florida. Joe Biden visited last week and Kamala Harris will be here this week. We need your help to keep pushing Florida more red.  Can I count on you to contribute $50, $25, or even $10 to help us keep fighting the Democrats?

Together we can Keep Florida Winning!
Chip in Now!
In Freedom,

Evan Power

Chip-In To Win >>
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