Good morning Housing Not Handcuffs supporters, 

Thank you to the 700+ people who joined our rally in front of the Supreme Court earlier last week. This was a watershed moment for our movement.  

You can also listen to the oral arguments here, and be sure to check out the rally recap video and highlight reel from our friends at Invisible People.

Finally, please read the Law Center’s statement about both Monday’s historic rally and the oral arguments on our website.  

Our campaign is having a significant impact across the country and in the media landscape. Together, we have not only garnered extensive media coverage but have also shifted public dialogue towards more compassionate and informed perspectives on homelessness. Our work has been featured in dozens of outlets from around the world. Below you can find some of our favorite coverage.




Rest assured, our collective voice is being heard and making a difference. 

We will be in touch soon with next steps. For now, we again want to extend our deep thanks for joining us not only to reject jailing and fining our unhoused neighbors forced to sleep outside but also for pushing for a world where everybody has the housing they need to thrive.  


In solidarity, 

Jesse Rabinowitz
Communications and Campaign Director
National Homelessness Law Center  

More coverage: