Campaign Against Arms Trade



Dear friend,

To everyone that has taken action over the past six months calling on the government to Stop Arming Israel - thank you! 

Please use our updated action to write to your MP again and keep up the pressure! 


In these dark times it is the actions of ordinary people that bring hope of a peaceful and just future; taking to the streets in cities and communities across the length and breadth of the UK, challenging arms companies at your doorstep, and holding your elected representatives to account. You have shown our government what humanity looks like. 

Thousands of you have emailed your MPs demanding that they take action to Stop Arming Israel. Thanks to your action an unprecedented 90 MPs signed EDM 177 and committed to suspending arms exports to Israel. 

We are united in grief for the horror that Palestinians are enduring. Israel is using UK arms exports in a genocide against the Palestinian people.

There has never been more pressure on the government to stop arming Israel. Some of the most significant successes and developments of this UK wide campaign have been: 


These wins are a direct result of the action that you have been taking. We demand our government ends its complicity in this genocide, ends impunity for war crimes, and stops arming Israel. 

In solidarity, 

Katie Fallon
Campaign Against Arms Trade

P.S. Thank you to everyone who supports CAAT, with your time, energy and money. If you haven't done so already, please consider making a donation so we can keep campaigning! 

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