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Some people run for office for money or power.

Some want to go to cocktail parties and rub elbows with lobbyists and elites in DC. 

Some people see running for office as a way to get rich by becoming a career politician.

Well, that’s not me, John!
Marco Rubio here. The ONLY reason I ran for office was to restore the American Dream.
Here’s my litmus test for an elected official: if you’re not fully committed to restoring the American Dream and saving our country, then you have no business representing Americans! 

That’s why I’ve endorsed a select few patriots who are 100% on board with my mission to get the American Dream off of life support. I hope you’ll trust me when I tell you that the candidates I’ve endorsed for 2024 are some of the greatest Americans you’ll ever meet, John!

Today, I want to talk about Dave McCormick. He’s a husband, job creator, and combat veteran who grew up in a small town in Western Pennsylvania. He went on to graduate from West Point and served our country as an Army Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division during the Gulf War.
Dave McCormick
He’s never forgotten where he came from though, John. After Dave retired from the Army he got involved in business. When ultraliberal globalists were shipping jobs off to foreign countries and selling off our children’s futures just to make a quick buck, Dave was creating jobs in his home state of Pennsylvania!

Look, Dave’s a true conservative and I need him fighting alongside me in the Senate to restore the American Dream, John. The alternative is keeping the liberal agenda that’s wrecked our country for years to come.

We don’t need any more liberal policies; Biden and his followers have shown us how badly they screw up our country!

Right now, I’m personally asking you to donate any amount you can spare to support Dave McCormick before midnight:
CHIP IN $500 >>
CHIP IN $250 >>
CHIP IN $100 >>
CHIP IN $50 >>
CHIP IN $25 >>
Timer to Midnight
I really can’t tell you how vital it is that conservatives stand with Dave, John. He’s a good man and a strong conservative running in a CRUCIAL swing state. We cannot afford for him to lose!

Don’t hesitate – donate anything you can to help Dave win in November!
Thank you for understanding how crucial Dave’s victory is for our country, John. 

-Marco Rubio

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