Two Giant Pandas to Be Cared for at the San Diego Zoo |                                               
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Giant Panda

Dear John,

Conservation is at the heart of everything we do. And by working together, we can make the improbable a reality while experiencing moments through conservation that change the world.

Over the past few months, we have been filled with anticipation as we prepare to welcome the next generation of giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo.

This past week, our wildlife care specialists, scientists, and conservation leaders traveled to the Wolong and Bifengxia Panda Bases in China, to collaborate with our Chinese partners and to meet Xin Bao and Yun Chuan, the two giant pandas we will care for at the San Diego Zoo.

Xin Bao

Xin Bao is a nearly four-year-old female who was born at Wolong Shenshuping Panda Base. Her name means “new treasure of prosperity and abundance,” and she is best recognized for her sweet, round face and big ears.

Yun Chuan

Yun Chuan is a nearly five-year-old male who represents the hope we’ve experienced as partners in panda conservation. He is the grandson of Bai Yun and Gao Gao, two pandas we had the honor of caring for at the Zoo for decades, and the son of Zhen Zhen, who in 2007 was the fourth cub born at the Zoo. The first character of his name, “Yun,” is a nod to his grandmother Bai Yun, and the second character, “Chuan,” refers to the province of Sichuan, where he’s from.

Pandas have been a part of our conservation legacy for nearly 30 years. Throughout our storied partnership we have cared for generations of giant pandas and contributed significantly to their conservation across native habitats. Our community and the world fell in love with giant pandas at the San Diego Zoo—and for decades we’ve worked collaboratively as one conservation team with our Chinese partners to serve this iconic species. In 2021, we celebrated alongside our conservation partners when pandas were declassified from endangered to vulnerable, knowing that when we come together, we can experience transformative moments through conservation.

We can’t wait to welcome Xin Bao and Yun Chuan to the San Diego Zoo and are working with our U.S. and Chinese conservation partners toward a prospective arrival this summer. In the meantime, we look forward to keeping you, our closest allies, updated on any news along the journey. With you by our side, we can continue to make a difference for wildlife and support flourishing ecosystems worldwide.

Together for wildlife,

Nadine Lamberski

Nadine Lamberski, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (ZHM)
Chief Conservation and Wildlife Health Officer
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

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