“The scheme, had it succeeded, would have deprived Arizona’s voters of their right to have their votes counted for their chosen President. It effectively would have made their right to vote meaningless.”

- Attorney General Kris Mayes

On the indictment of eleven Republicans charged in the fake elector scheme.

One Hurdle Down, Two To Go

Closure came in the House this week as we passed HB2677, the repeal of the territorial abortion ban with the support of two Republicans. Representatives Dunn and Gress stood firm as they faced pressure from their party both in and outside the chamber. The bill was transmitted to the Senate where it will need to be voted on next in order to reach the Governor’s desk. The timing hurdle is that even with the Governor’s signature, the repeal won’t go into effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends. As you may recall, we are falling behind schedule as we have been working only one day a week for almost the past month. This timing issue will leave care providers scrambling and pregnant patients lives at risk.

As I touched on last week, Rep, Jackie Parker, a member of the Freedom Caucus, made sure to drive the point home in her vote explanation that their caucus was deliberate in 2022 when they wrote the 15-week abortion to keep the territorial ban intent clause in. She described the conversations their caucus had that ended in the agreement of their intent to make all abortions illegal in Arizona with no exceptions. Essentially, to have what we have today, the most restrictive attack on reproductive freedoms in this country.

I am immensely proud of my colleagues over the past few weeks as they have stood strong, fought hard, and devised strategies to bring this Democratic bill to a vote and pass the repeal in the House. There is still much unknown ahead but we will continue to ensure that we are fully prepared to face whatever comes.

In other legislative news, we voted on nine bills, of which two were sponsored by Democrats - three counting Rep Stephanie Stahl Hamilton’s repeal! It was great to see two of the policies pass that improved mental healthcare access and treatment.  

An interesting one to mention was SB1403, which prohibits ‘specified foreign principals’ from purchasing or acquiring land in Arizona. Foreign principles were defined as those identified by the US Director of National Intelligence as a country that poses a risk to national security. The bill failed 19-41 as members of both parties expressed concerns about the constitutionality and unintended future consequences.

We will see what this week brings us at the legislature. I am hoping it is a full schedule of processing policy and focus on the funding issues tied to the $1.8B budget deficit. The Finance Advisory committee gave a great debrief on the economic state of our state on April 11th and provided an updated foundation of numbers on which we can build the budget. More to come in next week’s newsletter about this data.  

With kindness,


Reproductive Freedom Fight Continues

All eyes and efforts continue to be on Arizona as this fight has brought local and national leaders together for reproductive freedom. Spotlighting three events focused on reproductive freedom this week.

  • On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood held a joint press conference with the Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to share the final ruling of reproductive health care privacy under HIPPA. This will allow private medical decisions to stay that way - private - between between patients, their family, and their provider.

  • On Saturday, Planned Parenthood and other reproductive rights groups held an energizing rally at the Capitol for abortion and rejection of any type of further health care restrictions.

  • On Sunday, the Arizona Democratic Party hosted an event that featured a discussion between Senator Anna Hernandez and OB-GYN Dr. Misha Pangasa. Highlighted were the ways we need to right the policy wrongs that have hurt women in our state and allow healthcare providers to practice the full range of their training in the patient's best interest.  

Senator Lela Alston, Senator Anna Hernandez, Senator Brian Fernandez, ADP Chair Yolanda Bejarano, Representatives Sarah Liguori and Charles Lucking

Community Corner

The AFSCME member and candidate mixer was a fun celebration of their hard work on behalf of the lives of our state, county, and municipal employees. The work of AFSCME members powers our cities and fuels our communities, from child care to public safety to public works and transportation. By centering worker’s needs and protections, AFSCME helps ensure these employees have safe workplaces, benefits, and a seat at the bargaining table.

As an AFSCME-endorsed candidate, I share their dedication to ensuring freedom, opportunity, and respect for all workers. Thank you AFSCME!

Learn About AFSCME

(L to R): Senator Eva Diaz (LD22) , Rep. Sarah Liguori (LD5),  Rep Keith Seaman (LD16) , Rep Judy Schwiebert, now candidate for Senate (LD2) , Candidate for House Deb Howard (LD27), Candidate for House Stephanie Simacek (LD2), Candidate for House Brandy Reese (LD13), Senator Lela Alston (LD5) , Candidate for Corporation Commission Jonathan Hill, Candidate for Senate Stacey Seaman (LD16), Rep Oscar De Los Santos (LD11), and Rep Stacey Travers (LD12), and Rep Lorena Austin (LD 9)- not pictured. 

Candidates To Follow

May the Fourth be with us as we knock on doors in North Phoenix with Dr. Laura Metcalfe! Dr. Metcalfe is running for Maricopa County School Superintendent and has 27 years of experience in education.  In contrast, her opponent, the current Superintendent, faces multiple allegations of financial mismanagement.

Dr. Metcalfe will bring integrity and innovation to the role so that students, teachers, and communities will have the environment and resources to thrive.

This is an important race and we could use the help getting out the vote!

Thank you for your support, however it comes!

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Paid for by Sarah Liguori for State. Approved by Sarah Liguori.