We're just 130 contributions away from our goal. Will you be the one to put us over the top?

Bill de Blasio for President

Friend —


I knew we’d outpace the projected numbers today when I reached out earlier. But I didn’t realize how enormous the response would be. This team has blown me away today.

We’re more ready than ever to bring our historic working-people-first agenda from New York City to this entire country. But we can’t do anything else until we finish what we started and hit our 2,000-contribution goal before the quarter ends at midnight. That’s just a few hours from now.

We just need just 130 more people to step up. Make a contribution of $1 right now, and you could be the one who puts us over the top.

We're only 130 contributions away. Can you step up now?

Your support before this deadline means so much to me. Because of fighters like you, we’re pushing past everyone who wants to water down progressive priorities and breaking through on the national stage.

Thanks for stepping up today,

Bill de Blasio