
In the middle of the biggest public health crisis of our lifetimes, the Trump administration has shown that their cruelty has no bounds. Despite pleas from public health officials and experts, they are refusing to re-open Obamacare enrollment so that the millions of Americans who’ve lost their employer-provided insurance can have coverage right now.

To exacerbate what is already an extremely difficult time for the majority of Americans underscores just how unfit Donald Trump is to lead—and how important it is to make big changes in November.

We are working diligently to elect proven leaders to Congress—both in the Senate and the House. Will you help us fulfill our mission by making a donation of any size right now?

Donald Trump and his Republican friends in Congress have fought tooth and nail to get rid of Obamacare. Of course, they still have offered no replacement—and instead of easing their attacks during this crisis, they’ve doubled down.

It’s why the Trump administration has been sued for failing to faithfully uphold Obamacare—the law of the land.

And it’s why we need to step up and do everything we can between now and November to get proven leaders elected who will help get us out of this mess. We need our leaders to take the health and healthcare of Americans seriously.

Chip in whatever you can right now so we can support our endorsed candidates in key races across the country.

Serve America

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many people are facing financial hardship right now, and taking care of yourself and your loved ones must come first. Thank you for being a part of our family, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.