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Hi James,

Did you see the latest message from Jamie? Lori Chavez-DeRemer AND our primary opponent have called in their respective corporate PAC allies to spend money on this race, and we need your help to fight back with a donation of $10 today.

Begin forwarded message:

Hi James,

Ever since the Supreme Court’s disastrous 2010 Citizens United Ruling ushered in a new era of limitless spending in politics, we’ve seen a new era of corporate influence in our democracy. Billionaires and corporations can now funnel as much money as they want into our elections, to the detriment of those of us supporting transparency.

Lori Chavez-DeRemer has big business groups and right-wing billionaires beginning to flood Oregon with corporate PAC money. At the same time, my primary opponent is bringing in HER corporate money groups to spend on her behalf as well.

I’m the only candidate in this race who REFUSES to accept a dime in corporate PAC money. This people-powered campaign depends on people like you to sustain our momentum, and I’m asking for your help in meeting our $15,422 end-of-month goal.

If you saved your information with ActBlue Express clicking a link below will cause your donation to process instantly:

Donate $10 now

Donate $25 now

Donate $50 now

Donate $100 now

Donate $250 now

Thank you for whatever you can chip in to help us reach this important goal and sustain our momentum. With the primary in just a few weeks, we can’t let up now.

In solidarity,



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Paid for by Jamie For Oregon

Jamie for Oregon
PO Box 8750
Bend, OR 97708
United States