
After nine years of Trudeau government, most Canadians are visibly disillusioned, dissatisfied, angry.

They see our country is going in the wrong direction.

The problem is, the vast majority of them voted for this!

Not just those who supported the Liberals.

On most fundamental issues, there are barely any policy differences between the establishment parties.

At the last federal election, 95% of Canadians voted in favour of:

authoritarian covid measures, mass immigration, unaffordable housing, social and cultural disintegration, a carbon tax, more government spending, unsustainable debt and inflation, foreign military interventions, support for the UN and WEF globalist plan, official discrimination based on sex and race, gender ideology, late-term abortion, and a host of other horrendous policies.

These voters have to understand that if you want change, you need to support it.

John, as a PPC supporter, you know that only our party offers solutions that are radically different.

We must get more than 5% of the total vote next time to be able to turn things around.

We only have a year and a half to convince more of our compatriots to Choose Something Different!

And that’s why we need to be better organized, and better funded, with more employees at our HQ to support our local candidates and volunteers.

John, please pitch in $9,50, or $95 today to ensure 95% won’t vote again for policies that are destroying Canada!

Thanks a lot,

P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
Follow the PPC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, and Telegram. Follow Max on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Rumble, Gettr, and Telegram.
To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: Suite 700, 1 Nicholas St, Ottawa, Canada, K1N 7B7. The cheque must be made payable to People's Party of Canada. To make an online donation, please visit our website: Thank you!
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