Here’s what happens when Fox News attacks me



Hey, John, it’s Tara McGowan, Founder and Publisher of COURIER. In a moment, I’ll share a personal story about what happened when Fox News attacked COURIER, but if you already know you’re ready to do your part to hold Fox News accountable for spreading lies and hate in our communities, please consider donating $15 right now. 

Earlier this month, we told you about how Fox News published an attack on COURIER, me, and our local newsrooms. The “report” was rife with wild conspiracy theories, insinuations, and ad hominem attacks. You know, typical Fox News stuff.

Of course, we know what happens at Fox News doesn’t stay there. Fox is a super-spreader of right-wing misinformation. When they attack, right-wing influencers and media amplify them throughout the right-wing ecosystem.

Inevitably, those attacks become very personal and, in some cases, downright scary. Take a look for yourself at a couple of the messages/social media mentions I’ve received since that article came out:

John, I’ll be honest: it’s not great to have your social media feed taken over by strangers tweeting vaguely menacing things at you. 

But, you know what, I can take it. Why? We founded COURIER to give communities a trustworthy local news alternative to right-wing bad actors like Fox News. I’ve always known they’d come at us with everything they have to try and stop us because it’s such a critical mission. 

I promise you COURIER will never back down in the face of Fox’s or anyone else’s attacks. We know how important it is to protect democracy from right-wing misinformation right now. 

So you don’t need to worry about us. But everyone should be worried about how bad actors like Fox News are causing division and hate to spread in our communities. 

And that’s why I’m writing to ask for your support today. 

So, John, let’s show Fox News that we’re ready for a fight. Can you pitch in $15 to help us continue to fight back against right-wing misinformation factories like Fox News?

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Thank you so much,
Tara McGowan
Founder & Publisher