Our April fundraising deadline is almost here

Hi Team– Josh here, Frank’s Campaign Finance Director.

I’m reaching out because we are coming up on our April end of month fundraising deadline, and so far, we’re only 40% of the way to our goal.

Our average donation this month is $21.29. If everyone reading this email matched that donation, we would surpass our goal in no time. Can you rush a donation of $21.29 to ensure we hit our end of month fundraising deadline?

DONATE $21.29

We believe in Frank’s ability to deliver for the people of Northwest Indiana, but getting out his message costs money.

These goals aren’t arbitrary, John - we need to hit each and every one of these goals to fund our voter outreach and re-elect the leader Northwest Indiana deserves.

Can you rush a contribution of $21.29 or whatever you can before Tuesday night to help us meet our goal and get out Frank’s message?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for all your help,

Finance Director, IN-01