Justice Democrats


Before I was in Congress, I was a nurse, activist, organizer, single-mother, and pastor who knew from firsthand experience that those in power weren’t doing enough for regular, everyday people like us.

I ran for office to be a powerful voice for the people of St. Louis and fight for the bold, progressive change that our communities, our country, and our world deserve — the kind of change that establishment, corporate-backed politicians have spent years blocking.

As an “insurgent” candidate, I took on an incumbent who’d been in Washington for two decades and was part of a 52-year political dynasty, and with the help of Justice Democrats and this people-powered movement, I defeated him in 2020.

Now, I’m being challenged by an AIPAC-endorsed candidate in one of the most competitive Democratic primaries of 2024 this August.

Right-wing megadonors are spending more than ever before to unseat me and my fellow Squad members. Can you help us fight back by splitting $5 or more between my campaign and the Protect the Squad campaign today?

Contribute $5

Since my time in Congress began in 2021, I have always prioritized the people’s interests over all else. I know the struggles of being unhoused, experiencing gun violence, and domestic violence. And I’ve testified before Congress and the country about being sexually assaulted at 17 years old and my decision to have an abortion.

I led a direct action on the U.S. Capitol steps to protect 11 million people from being forced out on the streets during the height of the COVID pandemic. I’ve taken on our broken criminal legal system which has disproportionately harmed Black and brown communities. And last October, I joined my sister-in-service, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, in introducing the Ceasefire Now resolution, calling for de-escalation and an immediate lasting Ceasefire in Gaza, the safe release of all hostages and those arbitrarily detained, and a surge in humanitarian assistance.

Fighting for justice, freedom, and our shared humanity has come at a price: $100 million, to be exact. That’s how much AIPAC has vowed to spend against me and my fellow Squad members in an attempt to unseat us from Congress this year.

My moderate opponent is being propped up by a group funded by anti-choice, pro-insurrection Republican millionaires and billionaires. Meanwhile, I refuse to accept corporate contributions and rely on support from the grassroots.

If you can afford to, will you make a split donation between Justice Democrats and my campaign now to help us overcome the millions of dollars that right-wing, Trump megadonor-funded groups are spending against us?

Anything you can give to protect my seat and my fellow Squad members in competitive races is deeply appreciated.

In solidarity,
