Thank you, John.

Last night, my team shared the birthday e-card my mom sent you with thousands of signatures and well wishes.

It really made my day.

And it reminded me that none of us are in this alone.

No one individual is capable of building a more just, loving nation by themselves.

Entire generations have lived, struggled, and passed on before they could reap the fruits of their labor.

We drink deeply from wells of freedom that we did not dig ourselves.

John, I am heartened to know that so many of you share my belief in the kind of nation we know we can be. One that fulfills the promise of its founding documents.

As my dad always used to tell me, “Never forget where you came from or how many people had to sacrifice to get you where you are.”

I’ve leaned on so many of them over the years — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, coaches. Our Senate and campaign staff. Our volunteers and donors. Even you, John. We are all going to need to lean on one another and give each other strength for these next six months.

In the eternal wisdom of the late, great Bill Withers, let us remind each other:

Lean on me
When you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on…

For it won’t be long
Till I’m gonna need somebody to lean on

Yesterday, I’m glad that I could lean on all of you — and get some birthday joy in the process. That means the world to me.

And John, I need you to know that you can lean on me too. And together, we’ll build that more just, loving nation.

With love and gratitude,
