Moorementum is sweeping West Virginia. From the Metronews poll a few weeks back showing a tied race, to the game changing endorsement of Governor Jim Justice last week – and Babydog this week, to the new poll just out that shows Moore with a strong lead, West Virginians are rallying behind Moore’s campaign.

It is disappointing, but not surprising, that Moore’s opponent responded by having

his henchmen drop $1 million in negative ads. One ad is so fake they can’t cite any of their absurd claims. Another is so doctored they actually rewrite things to fit their fake narrative.

West Virginia voters won’t fall for it. Moore’s opponent doesn’t have a choice. He’s running for power, not for West Virginia. Moore’s taken the right approach by focusing on the issues that matter like securing our communities, ensuring every high school graduate is ready for their next chapter, and taking our state’s economic growth to the next level.

Tonight at midnight is the close of books for the pre-primary reporting period. We are close to our goal. Help us blow past it and keep the Moorementum going by making a donation now.


Let’s get it done for West Virginia.

Todd Gunter

Campaign Manager