Hello ,

COVID-19 affects all of our lives, but our news alerts aren’t sharing how the pandemic impacts the most vulnerable people in our communities. Several cities have called for curfews, businesses to close, and for people to distance themselves from each other.

However, not everyone is safer apart.  

However, not everyone is safer apart:    People who use drugs may be using alone and are at increased risk of overdose.  Not everyone can shelter in place if they don’t have a home.  Home isn’t always a safe place.  People who are incarcerated are not able to stay 6 feet apart.   People who rely on medication-assisted treatment are risking their health to get it.
Support our Work

While this global pandemic is unique, the underlying needs it exposes are not. The COVID-19 crisis brings to the surface many of the issues that people who use drugs have experienced for far too long. If we take action now to put our community first, we can prevent an even bigger catastrophe. 

Here are five ways you can support right now:

  1. Become a Harm Reduction Champion to be a monthly sustaining donor or make a one-time gift to support emergent harm reduction work across the country. 
  2. Learn about what is happening locally by connecting with your local harm reduction program, drug user union, SWOP chapter, housing advocates, and the decarceration community to learn about how you can support. We’re sharing how harm reduction programs are adapting their services during COVID-19 on our YouTube channel! 
  3. Support two of our partners who are doing COVID-19 specific response work: 
  4. Read and share the op-ed co-authored by our medical director, Dr. Kim Sue, and incoming executive director Kassandra Frederique of Drug Policy Alliance on how people who use drugs will be deeply affected in this crisis if we don't step up now. 
  5. Stay informed - view and share our COVID-19 specific resources for people who use drugs and providers. 

The foundation of harm reduction was built on the belief that our communities are experts on what they need. Harm reduction must be a priority as we fight COVID-19. But that isn’t possible if people are left behind. Join us as we work to keep everyone safer together.

Support our Work
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