Our current system has turned judicial appointments into political weapons, and our Court has turned into a partisan power grab.|
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The American people do not appoint Supreme Court Justices. Yet, the American people are ruled by the decisions these appointed officials make on a daily basis–and to great extremes. There must be legitimacy and independence for a body with so much power.


Sign the petition: We must bring fairness and trust to the Supreme Court!


Our current system has turned judicial appointments into political weapons, and our Court has turned into a partisan power grab. Now, a majority of Americans have no trust in the Court.


Term limits can restore Constitutional checks and balances to the Supreme Court, ensuring that it remains a body of justice. As extremists on the Court continue to strip our basic rights, we must demand Congress act.


Sign the petition: Term limits for the Supreme Court now!


Demand Justice is leading the fight to make sure our courts work for all of us in order to protect our rights and democracy.