URGENT: Governors are using coronavirus as an excuse to halt abortion services. Only the cruelest kind of person takes away pregnancy options for people who are job-, food-, housing- or healthcare-insecure during a pandemic. This is adding a health crisis onto a health crisis.

That's why AAF is kicking off our fourth week of social isolation with a CALL TO ACTION, y'all!

We've teamed up with some badass partners including Daily Kos, Reproaction, #VOTEPROCHOICE, NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina and Texas, the Women's Centers, and the Women's Medical Fund for a campaign to make sure every state in the freaking country is designating abortion an ESSENTIAL service. Some elected officials have already tried to make clinics halt their services, showing just how low anti-abortion extremists will sink to further their political agenda, even in the middle of a PANDEMIC.

Sign this petition to your governor right now: Abortion Can't Wait!



Yep, instead of spending the time and resources to save people’s lives and stop the spread of a deadly pandemic, states including Texas, Alabama, Iowa, and Oklahoma have intentionally designated abortion as a nonessential service, forcing some clinics to cease their services and pushing abortion out of reach for thousands of people.

Abortion can’t wait. As anyone who’s needed to have an abortion can tell you, abortion is an extremely urgent, essential healthcare service. Full stop.

So sign the petition now! If you happen to live in a state that's doing the right thing, you'll be prompted to send a thank you to your Attorney General instead!

**BONUS TRACK** LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW TO STREAM? Put Never Rarely Sometimes Always (now streaming online!) on the top of your shelter in place watchlist. It's a moving new film that shows how hard access to abortion is even BEFORE you add a pandemic into the mix.

Now is also an excellent time to be sending messages of support to abortion providers across the country. Grab some postcards and get to Thank Banking! Great activity to do over Zoom with friends and a box of wine, btw.

Even when most of us have to stay home, we can make our collective voice heard loud and clear! #AbortionIsEssential!

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