Hi Jack!

Over the past few days, our team has told you about the critical work our Rescue Fund does to help wild horses and burros in need of rescue. Now, we’re going to share another rescue story that shows how important this program is to help change the lives of these iconic animals – but first, please chip in to help us reach our $25,000 Rescue Fund goal before the deadline tonight! We just checked the numbers and we’re only $5,285 away from our goal! >>


Jack, meet Jesse James and Butch Cassidy!

These two Bureau of Land Management (BLM) burros have lived happily and freely with our friends at Montgomery Creek Ranch (MCR) for over two years now, and we are proud to have been able to support the initial rescue, which brought them there.

In 2021, AWHC’s investigations team came across four burros at a notorious slaughter auction in Oklahoma. The first thing that caught their eye was that all four of these burros were horrifically abused – some were even used as hot branding practice. It was a heartbreaking sight, as they had visible open wounds all over their little bodies. (Content warning)

We quickly paid the funds needed for their bail, initial vet care costs, and their transport to MCR. There, the burros were able to recover both physically and emotionally, and two of them were adopted soon after. The two others, Jesse James and Butch Cassidy, still live there today and are waiting to go to their forever home! Click here to watch an update on these two burro “outlaws” from MCR earlier this year!

Jack, your generosity enables us to help save the lives of wild horses and burros like these two from suffering. And this year over 20,000 wild horses and burros are targeted for roundups, and we want to be ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. Please, will you contribute today to help recharge our Rescue Fund so we can continue powering more rescues of at-risk horses and burros? We’re $5,285 away from reaching our $25,000 Rescue Fund goal, but there’s still time to reach it if everyone chips in before the deadline tonight!


Thank you, Jack!


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American Wild Horse Conservation
P.O. Box 1733
Davis, CA 95617
United States