Sign the SCOTUS petition before they issue a verdict…


The Supreme Court is about to decide one of the most important cases to ever come before the court.

By ruling President Trump IMMUNE from Crooked Joe and the Deep State’s D.C. Witch Hunt, they can rightly stop this travesty of justice dead in its tracks.

But despite the 6-3 conservative majority on the court, this decision could go either way…

Which is why it’s so important for YOU to make your voice heard before the court issues their verdict.

(If you’ve already signed, simply ignore this reminder – and thank you for taking action!)

Please ADD YOUR NAME to the pre-written letter to the Justices in DEFENSE of President Trump and urge them to do what we – the American people – know to be RIGHT.


Thank you,

Rep. Elise Stefanik
House Republican Conference Chair

- - - - Forwarded Message - - - -

Date:   Thurs, April 25th, 2024
Subject: Happening *NOW*: Trump Immunity Arguments
To: [email protected]

An Urgent Letter from the Desk of House GOP Chair Elise Stefanik


At this very moment, the fate of our Free Republic is being deliberated at the highest court in the land.

That’s right, the SUPREME COURT is hearing arguments RIGHT NOW in President Trump’s immunity case!

Let me be perfectly clear about what’s at stake…

If the Supreme Court accurately rules that President Trump is IMMUNE from Crooked Joe and the Deep State’s D.C. Witch Hunt, they will rightly SQUASH one of the most egregious and blatant acts of Election Interference in our nation’s history.

When I woke up this morning, I thought to myself: We can only pray that the Supreme Court Justices will do what the American people know to be RIGHT.

But the truth is, there’s so much MORE we can do!

Right now, YOU – the PEOPLE – have the chance to make YOUR voices heard louder than EVER before at one of the most consequential moments in American history.

And as GOP Conference Chair, it’s my honor and duty during these times to help AMPLIFY your voice as much as humanly possible.

That’s why I’ve commissioned our “Official 100 MILLION-Patriot Petition to the Supreme Court” urging the Justices to find President Trump IMMUNE from Crooked Joe and the Deep State's D.C. Witch Hunt that was designed to unlawfully JAIL an innocent man willing to sacrifice everything to save our country.

John, there’s still time to act before closing arguments. All I ask is that you make that time count!

So please, ADD YOUR NAME to the pre-written letter to the Justices in DEFENSE of President Trump and urge them to do what we – the American people – know to be RIGHT.


Thank you and God Bless you,

Rep. Elise Stefanik
House Republican Conference Chair


Paid for by Team Elise, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress and E-PAC.

PO Box 500 Glens Falls, NY 12801

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