John, we had to be sure you saw this note from Cory’s mother Carolyn.

It’s Cory’s birthday, so we’re surprising him with a birthday card with everyone’s well wishes before midnight. After you read Carolyn’s note, be sure to share some birthday joy with Cory by signing your name.

— Booker HQ

P.S. — Cory, if you’re reading this, happy birthday!


Hello John,

It’s Carolyn Booker — Cory’s mom!

I’m reaching out with a special surprise. It’s Cory’s birthday today, and I wanted to ask you personally to sign the birthday card and share some joy with him today.


Sometimes it’s still hard for me to believe that my son is a United States Senator. I’ve always said: behind every successful child is an astonished parent.

But when it comes to his advocacy for justice and opportunity – his commitment to the values of love and kindness – I know that this is Cory’s calling.

An old photo of Cory and his mother next to a more recent photo of the two

My husband Cary and I raised our two boys, Cary and Cory, to understand the sacrifices that generations before them had made, and to always center love and service in whatever they chose to pursue in their lives.

I couldn’t be more proud of the path they’ve taken. After Cory graduated from law school, he told us that he wanted to become a tenant rights lawyer in Newark. Before long, he was running for the Municipal Council, for mayor, and, now, he represents the great state and people of New Jersey in the Senate.

I’m so proud of Cory and want to make sure he knows that all of you are with him. If you can, John, I would personally appreciate it if you could sign Cory’s birthday card today. His team is sharing a list of all of the signers and well wishes this evening, and your name needs to be on it!


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for not only supporting my son, but for standing by the ideals for which he and our country stand.

Together, I am confident that we can achieve Cory’s vision of building a more just, loving nation — one act of love at a time.


Carolyn Booker