Hi Friend, it's Julie from Elect Southern Democrats.

My colleague, Quinn, reached out to you last week about Washington's public library.

But I looked at our records this morning and it looks like you didn't complete our most recent library approval poll.

This data will be critical in our fight to defeat far-right Republicans who are attacking our teachers and librarians. Can you take just a few minutes to give us your opinion on Washington's public library?

Record your response now >>>

Thank you,


------ Forwarded message ------
From: me, Quinn (2) | Elect Southern Democrats
Subject: Regarding Washington's public library

Friend -

We sent you a poll regarding your city's Public Library, but we noticed you were one of the only Democrats from Washington without a response.

Librarians everywhere are fighting against vicious Republican book bans, so we need to show our support for them and their fight to protect the truth.

Please show your support for Washington's library ↙↙↙

Do you approve of your public library?

YES >> NO >>

Our original email is attached below,

Thank you,

Elect Southern Democrats Data Team

------ Forwarded message ------
From: Notice for Washington Public Library | Elect Southern Democrats
Subject: re: Republican book bans [urgent poll for Friend]

BREAKING NEWS: Librarians stand up against GOP moves to ban books from public libraries

TIME: We're Preparing For a Long Battle.' Librarians Grapple With Conservatives' Latest Efforts to Ban Books.

Do you approve of your public library?

YES >> NO >>

This poll is registered exclusively to [email protected] RESPONSE NEEDED BY 11:59 PM

LISTEN: Republicans are passing legislation right now to BAN books, CONTROL what our children read, and DEFUND public libraries!

LISTEN: They're targeting books that discuss racial discrimination, women’s history, and LGBTQ+ issues. Disgusting!

LISTEN: Public libraries across the country are fighting back against these attacks on free thought and our democracy.

So we are reaching out to Democrats nationwide to see if they support their public libraries and librarians.

Please respond now to show your support for libraries, librarians, and teachers who REFUSE to give in to Republican demands.

Do you approve of your public library?

YES >> NO >>

Take our official poll now!

Elect Southern Democrats

Thank you for supporting our fight to elect southern Democrats, Friend.

We believe in a simple principle: when Democrats vote, Democrats win. That’s why we’ve been organizing for Democrats in the South to win back the House and save the Senate in 2024.

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From Stacey and Beto’s breakthroughs in 2018, to Joe Biden’s historic win in Georgia in 2020, and Raphael Warnock’s victory in 2022 which expanded our Senate majority, Elect Southern Democrats has mobilized dozens of expert field staffers and grassroots organizers to change the tide all across the South.

Now, we’re gearing up to protect the seats we fought so hard to win and fight even harder for those that we must flip.

But southern Republicans are working around the clock to suppress the votes of millions to defeat us this election.

We cannot let Republicans win. We must fight back!

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