Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: April 7, 2020

"For too many years, the settlers and their sympathizers have been allowed to veto peace. DAYENU!"

APN's Dayenu Message for Passover 2020

APN wishes you and your family health and strength for Passover and moving forward.

Issue Briefs

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

April 6, 2020, - Coalition Talks Failing, "War" on Corona Succeeding

Q. Why haven’t the Blue White-Likud coalition talks succeeded?

A. ...The issues concern the rule of law and the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations...

Q. Israel’s corona casualty numbers are remarkably low for a population of nine million. The ‘curve’ is flattening. There is talk of relaxing restrictions on movement after the Passover holiday. What’s the explanation?

A. I would cite two primary factors for Israel’s relative success...

Q. All that military, Mossad and Shin Bet involvement in Israeli civilian life doesn’t worry you? Isn’t PM Netanyahu liable to become enamored of it even after the crisis is over?

A. ...I have faith in the security establishment’s respect for the rule of law and for society’s rules of the game...

Q. Speaking of the military and corona, could the health situation in Gaza provide an opportunity for positive interaction?

A. Positive or negative, depending how flexible both Israel and Hamas are prepared to be...

Q. Your bottom line?

A. Corona will be overcome in, by international standards, good order. The economy will recover faster than many people fear...

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Two New PeaceCast Episodes

Episode #119: Settler Violence under Coronavirus" with Hagar Shezaf

Shezaf, the new West Bank correspondent of Haaretz, discusses her current reportage on the spike in violent attacks by West Bank settlers against Palestinians.

Listen >

Episode #118: "Israeli Politics under COVID-19" with Bradley Burston

This episode is an edited version of APN's March 31 briefing call with Haaretz Columnist Bradley Burston, who talked about recent developments and future prospects in Israel's political arena as the Coronavirus creates a new reality.

Listen >

Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play

REMINDER: TODAY, Tuesday, April 7, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Eastern>

Webinar: COVID-19 and the Settlements

Join this webinar, cosponsored by Americans for Peace Now and the Foundation for Middle East Peace, with experts on the ground in Israel: Lior Amichai, Yesh Din Executive Director, and Brian Reeves, Peace Now Director of External Relations. Lara Friedman, President of the Foundations for Middle East Peace, will moderate.

Go HERE to register

Briefing Call

Briefing Call: "From Settlements to Annexation" with Peace Now's Shaqued Morag and Brian Reeves

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his opponent-turned-coalition-partner Benny Gantz, on the verge of a deal over their government guidelines, have apparently agreed that Israel’s new government will pursue West Bank annexation. What type of annexation initiatives might they seek? What would annexation mean for Israel? How will Israel's peace movement respond?

Monday, April 13, 2020, 12:00 Noon (Eastern)

Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058; Participant Access Code: 147414

Go HERE for bio information on the featured speakers

Passover 2020 - This night WILL be unlike other nights

The first Passover seder is Wednesday April 8. While the COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges to the freedoms we usually enjoy, the crisis does provide the opportunity to make a meaningful connection to the holiday theme of freedom, and to our ancestors and their quest for it.

APN is pleased to once again provide a supplemental reading for Passover, this time from Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels of Santa Monica, CA, centering around the directive that "In every generation, a person is required to see him/herself as if s/he came out from Egypt."
Read and Downlowd

An archive of our previous readings is HERE, which you can share and include in your seder.

We have also updated our Dayenu message and provide a special Reading for this year's particular circumstance: "This year we are slaves; What can these words mean?"

Passover video message from Peace Now Director Shaqued Morag

The Peace Now Israel director offers greetings, an update, and holiday wishes from the organization's Tel Aviv headquarters.


Peace Now remains active during the coronavirus restrictions. They are holding several livestreaming educational programs, including a talk today about annexation from Peace Now's Shabtai Bendet.

©2019. Americans For Peace Now, 1320 19th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036.

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