NYT parrots right-wing talking points and takes it easy on Trump in the name of “both sides” coverage.




The New York Times is widely regarded as one of the most respected newspapers in America. But as 2024 election coverage ramps up, some, including the Biden campaign, are questioning whether the newspaper has a pro-Trump bias.

Recently, Politico reported that The Times has a “singular obsession” with President Biden, and their biased reporting “often blurs the asymmetries between former President Donald Trump and Biden.”

They’re not the first ones to notice it. Remember this headline from Salon?

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New York Times' critics may be on to something. Just take a look at the front page they gave Trump last year after pleading not guilty on charges that he was reckless with classified documents and government secrets:

While The Times was giving Trump the hero treatment he longs for, they legitimized the debunked right-wing conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden. They’ve also taken jabs at Biden’s age – even though Trump is only three years younger.

At COURIER, we believe The New York Times and other mainstream media outlets have a responsibility to tell the truth in their coverage. Relying on an outdated “both sides” model of coverage that prioritizes profits and the “horse race” over what’s right for our democracy leads to coverage just like this, where an autocrat like Trump is normalized to a massive audience. 

We’re unafraid to tell the truth about Donald Trump and the danger he poses to our democracy. Our innovative model takes that fearless journalism and publishes it in the online spaces where right-wing propaganda thrives.

We’re fighting back against the mainstream media’s efforts to normalize Trump with fearless, fact-based coverage of the 2024 election in 10 battleground states across the country. If you’re ready to support honest, good journalism that won’t water down the truth, can you chip in $15 today?

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